Welcome Message

We are pleased to announce that "The Asian Collaboration Project: The REACTA Forum 2023" will be held in Chiba, Japan. We extend a warm invitation to you to attend this event.

The REACTA (Regional Asian Clinical Trial Annual) Forum is an academic conference established in 2013 to promote collaboration in clinical research throughout Asia, particularly among universities and government entities from the four East Asian nations that form REACTA. Since then, the forum has been held annually in rotation between Dong-A University, Taipei Medical University, Clinical Research Malaysia, and Chiba University. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to hold the event on-site for several years. However, this time, we will hold the forum for the first time in four years and it is our great pleasure to be able to invite participants from Japan and abroad. With the help of REACTA board members, we are making progress for the preparations. It is our great honor to host this event and we deeply appreciate the board members, as well as all individuals from academia, pharmaceutical companies and PMDA, for their cooperation in organizing this forum.

The theme for this year's forum is 'The New Era of Clinical Research '. The COVID-19 pandemic, renovations in Good Clinical Practice, and the development of digital technology have significantly impacted clinical research. In a rapidly changing landscape of clinical research, the role of academia is also experiencing a significant transformation. Therefore, we would like to invite speakers from academia, industry, and regulatory authorities and discuss the shape and direction of clinical research in the coming era. In addition, we are pleased to invite Dr. Yasuhiro Fujiwara, Chief Executive of PMDA, and Dr. Hiroshi Kiyono, Professor and Director of Chiba University Synergy Institute for Futuristic Mucosal Vaccine Research and Development, to deliver special lectures.

Chiba University Hospital was designated as a Clinical Research Core Hospital by the MHLW project in 2013 and under the Medical Care Act in 2017. The hospital has constructed an ARO modeled after Duke University, which enables to conduct an international standard clinical research and investigator-initiated clinical trials. Since then, we are concentrating on the development of medications, medical devices, regenerative medical products, and other medical technologies.
Moreover, in 2022, Chiba University was chosen as a synergy center for a government project to create a world-leading vaccine research and development center. Through the activities of REACTA, we will increasingly focus on building industry-academia-government consortia and networking with overseas centers for international collaborative research.

As a new era of clinical research requires to promote global R&D and collaboration between academia, industry, and regulators, we believe this forum will enable participants to form a network between various institutes.
Chair of The REACTA Forum 2023
Chiba University Hospital Clinical Research Center
Professor Hideki Hanaoka

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